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Zoom Basics
How do I log into Zoom?
*If you are using your George Mason email to log into Zoom BUT ARE NOT USING SSO then you are NOT on a George Mason licensed account.
How do I see what Zoom license I have?
How do I upgrade my license?
- Employees (faculty, staff, student-employees/wages, GRA, etc.) are assigned a Licensed “Pro” account.
- Students with no employee affiliation are licensed as Basic. Students may request an upgrade to their license by contacting ITS.
How does Zoom address accessibility concerns?
How do I learn more about Zoom features and using Zoom?
Can I conduct interviews using Zoom?
How do I download the Zoom app?
Managing My Zoom Account
Why are we required to update Zoom so often?
Example: When breakout rooms were introduced, and students weren’t on the most recent version of Zoom, the professors couldn’t use the breakouts they had prepared and planned for.
How do I update to the latest version of the Zoom application?
To update the application:
Sign in to your Zoom app via SSO (See: How to Sign in to the Zoom Desktop Application). Once signed in (or if you are already signed), you can check for updates. For troubleshooting tips, see the troubleshooting section below.
- Open the Zoom application
- Click your profile icon, then click “Check for Updates”
- If there is a newer version, Zoom will download and install it
How do I convert my personal paid Zoom license to the George Mason Zoom license?
Managing My Zoom Meeting
How do I require authentication to join my Zoom meetings?
NOTE: Notify your attendees of this meeting requirement in advance. This will help avoid delays in connecting to the meeting. Depending on how you configure authentication, attendees will need to log in and join from their Zoom account or their George Mason Zoom account.
How do I see Zoom and non-Zoom meetings listed in my Zoom desktop application?
How do I reassign ownership of scheduled Zoom Meetings or Webinars?
How do I use Zoom with my Outlook calendar?
How do I use virtual backgrounds in my Zoom meetings?
George Mason branded virtual backgrounds are available as part of the Brand Toolkit.
How do I change my Zoom PMI (Personal Meeting ID)?
How do I assign an alternative host for my Zoom meeting?
How do I set up Breakouts in Zoom?
Note: When using preassigned breakout rooms, it is suggested that authentication be required to ensure the user joins using the same email address.
What is the difference between a Zoom personal meeting and a scheduled meeting?
Personal Meetings
Your Personal Meeting Room is a virtual meeting room permanently reserved for you to access with your Personal Meeting ID (PMI) or personal link, if applicable. You can start instant meetings with your PMI or you can schedule a meeting that uses your PMI.
Your Personal Meeting Room is ideal for use with people you meet with regularly. However, because it is always accessible with the same meeting ID and personal Zoom link, it should not be used for back-to-back meetings or people you do not meet with regularly. Once a participant has the link to your PMI, they can join it any time the meeting is in use, unless you lock the meeting or use the Waiting Room feature to admit participants individually. DO NOT ADVERTISE YOUR PERSONAL MEETING ID or ROOM LINK.
Scheduled Meetings
Scheduled meetings are planned for a future date, either as one-time or recurring events, and can be integrated with your Outlook calendar. These meetings are ideal for weekly team meetings, project meetings, larger group meetings, and instances where you want a unique meeting ID and passcode.
Find more information about scheduling meetings and scheduling recurring meetings on Zoom’s Support site.
Security & Privacy
Is my personally identifiable information protected?
Upon implementation, Zoom was reviewed by the Architecture Standards Review Board (ASRB), which includes a check for security and accessibility. The IT Security Office participates in the ASRB process.
Zoom uses: Information about computers, phones, and other devices students and teachers use when joining meetings or webinars or sending messages using Zoom Products, including device features (like microphone or camera versions and IDs), IP addresses (which may be used to infer general location at a city or country level) and Wi-Fi information.
Zoom does not disclose student’s data to third parties, except for:
Service providers who help us provide Zoom products and technical infrastructure;
Where required for legal, security, or safety reasons;
- Or to other Zoom affiliates (such as Zoom Voice Communications, Inc., which provides Zoom Phone) to enable additional products and features used schools and educational organizations.
The following support article provides additional information about Trust & Privacy.
What do we agree to when downloading and using Zoom?
Can we limit which Zoom data centers my meetings use?
Is Zoom HIPAA compliant?
How do I secure my Zoom meeting?
Does Zoom notify attendees that another person has joined the meeting or conference?
How do I record my Zoom meetings to the cloud?
*Zoom-licensed accounts on Zoom Secure (HIPAA-compliant version of Zoom) are not able to record to the cloud.
Who can view cloud recordings?
Recordings are not accessible by Zoom or their employees.
The following support article provides additional information via the Zoom Privacy Statement.
How long are cloud recordings available?
How do I share cloud recordings?
When are my cloud recordings available?
Does Zoom offer audio transcription?
How do I secure my cloud recordings?
These bots can join your meetings when one of your meeting participants has signed up for the service. The service watches for that person to be scheduled for a meeting and joins that meeting. When the meeting is over, it sends out notifications to other participants that a transcript is available. To get the transcript, you have to sign up for their service, at which point it starts doing the same thing with all of your meetings.
How do I identify and remove a chat bot from my meeting?
It is recommended that you use the Waiting Room feature in Zoom so you can screen for bots and deny admission. If it is already in the meeting, you should remove the participant and deny reentry.
If you are a meeting participant and suspect a bot is in attendance, let the meeting host know so that they can determine if it’s allowed to participate.
Advanced Settings
How do I install an add-on from Zoom App Marketplace?
Before pre-approving and/or installing any app in the Zoom App Marketplace, ITS requires that the add-on be reviewed by the Architectural Standards Review Board (ASRB) via the intake process.
For more information, please visit our How do I install an add-on from the Zoom App Marketplace page.
Do we have access to other Zoom products?
How do I gain access to other apps in Zoom?
Teaching with Zoom
What steps can I take for a successful online teaching experience in Zoom?
How do I set up Zoom breakout rooms using my Blackboard course?
The use of ad hoc Zoom breakout rooms is described in Creating and Managing Breakouts in Zoom.
How do I secure my distance learning classroom using Zoom?
Visit the Educating Over Zoom for additional resources.
How do I share a Zoom recording with my students in Blackboard?
Zoom Webinar
What is the difference between Zoom Meetings and Zoom Webinar?
How do I request a Zoom Webinar License?
How long can I have access to a Webinar License?
How do I schedule a Zoom Webinar?
See Zoom Webinar for more information.
What is an Alternate Host in Zoom Webinar?
See Zoom Webinar for more information.
What happens when my Zoom Webinar license is removed from my account?
When the license is removed:
- You will no longer be able to access any reports associated with the Webinars you hosted
- You won’t be able to schedule a Webinar
- You will be able to access cloud recordings from your Webinars
- You can be an alternate host of other Webinars
- You can request Webinar access again
Zoom AI Companion
What is Zoom AI Companion?
Generative AI is a type of AI that can create new content, such as text, images, videos, and audio based on training data.
How is Zoom using my data?
How do I enable Zoom AI companion?
For more information on how to set up Zoom AI Companion, please review the Getting Started guide on the Zoom support site.
What Zoom AI Companion Features are available?
What are my responsibilities as a meeting host using Zoom AI Companion?
How will I know if Zoom AI Companion is being used in a meeting?
Zoom Disclaimer: This meeting is being transcribed for Zoom AI Companion.
George Mason Disclaimer: Use of Zoom and its associated utilities, including AI Companion, at George Mason University are subject to university policies, standards, guidelines, and Zoom's Acceptable Use Guidelines.
How do I access my meeting summaries in Zoom?
Meeting summaries can also be viewed in the meeting card or your calendar within the Zoom app.
If you were not the meeting host, you must request the summary from the host.
How do I locate the Zoom AI Companion features during a meeting?
How do I share Zoom AI generated meeting summaries with others?
What if I do not want to use Zoom AI Companion?
If you are participating in a meeting utilizing Zoom AI Companion, you will need to reach out to the meeting host to request that the features be turned off.
What is the retention policy for meeting summaries?
How can I improve the audio quality of my online meeting?
Zoom has an option to suppress background noise. On the desktop application, go to settings, then click the “Suppress background noise” option under the “Audio” tab. For additional information, please see Zoom support's Background Noise Suppression article.
How do I troubleshoot issues with my George Mason Zoom account?
- Begin by clearing cache & cookies
- Next, uninstall and reinstall the Zoom application
- If the issue persists PC users may also try Clean Zoom
If the steps above have been taken and there is still an issue contact ITS Support.
If you have a George Mason Zoom account (you are logging into your Zoom account at gmu.zoom.us or using SSO and your George Mason email and Patriot Password, contact ITS Support.
If you have an account directly from Zoom (you log in at zoom.us or log into the Zoom application without using SSO) you can review information on the Zoom Support page.
How do I clear cache & cookies in Zoom?
How do I uninstall & reinstall Zoom for a PC?
- Windows 10: Has three methods to uninstall an application/program. The three methods are available in this Microsoft support article.
- Windows 11: Has three methods to uninstall an application/program. The three methods are available in this Microsoft support article. Once Zoom has been uninstalled, visit zoom.us/download. This will automatically determine the operating system your computer has installed and will download the correct version. Once the download has been completed, click it to begin the installation process. After the installation is complete, open Zoom and log back into your account. If the issue persists, move to Step 3.
Please visit the Zoom Support Center for more information on Uninstalling and reinstalling the Zoom application.
How do I uninstall & reinstall Zoom for a MAC?
Note: This is the way to correctly uninstall Zoom. You may also move the Zoom icon to the recycle bin (trash can) and Zoom will be removed. Visit zoom.us/download to reinstall Zoom. Note: that if you are running a Mac that has an Apple Silicon processor, the link will be under the download for the Intel version.
Please visit the Zoom Support Center for more information on Uninstalling and reinstalling the Zoom application.
How do I use CleanZoom to reinstall Zoom on a PC?
When does a Zoom Meeting require authentication to join?
- Require authentication to join: Zoom account must be a George Mason email
- Require authentication to join: Sign in to Zoom
To correct both of these requirements, log in to your Zoom application via SSO to view the instructions. If you are already signed into Zoom with a 3rd party email address, select sign out (or switch account) and complete the proceeding instructions.
Attendees should notify their host if this requirement was unexpected or previously uncommunicated to them.
I am getting the error message “Auto Update Disabled”
- Connect to the VPN (Cisco Secure Client)
- Windows: Open Software Center on your computer
Macs: Open Self-Service on your computer - Install the latest version of the Zoom application from the Software Center or Self-Service; See How to Install Software via the Software Center or contact ITS Support for more information or further support.
I am getting an error message that says “Please contact your IT team to update your app”
- If you are on an ITS-managed computer: Follow the directions from “auto-update disabled” above
- If you are on a personal or non-ITS managed device: Download and install the latest version of the Zoom application from the Zoom website. If this does not correctly install the Zoom application and you receive the same error again,
- Uninstall Zoom; See: Instructions on uninstalling Zoom
- Then attempt to install your download again from zoom.us/download
I am getting an error message that says “Please Update to continue””
For advanced users and/or workstation administrator accounts, you may also run CleanZoom.exe from Zoom’s website. Then install the latest version of the Zoom application from zoom.us/download.
Why am I unable to log into my Zoom account?
Receiving an error similar to “WEB_4do77p3l4xrrw5ks8h2h21vcu2ksunby”
- Try clearing cache and cookies
- Use an Incognito/Private web browser window to log into gmu.zoom.us > Sign Into Your Account. (If this is successful, clear your browser’s cookies and cache from all times)
Logging in via the wrong method
To access your George Mason-licensed Zoom account, you must log in via the web browser at gmu.zoom.us/signin or the Zoom application using SSO and your George Mason Net ID and Patriot Pass password. Follow these instructions carefully to sign into the Zoom application.
Locked out of your account by Zoom
See the FAQ for “Why is my Zoom account locked?” for more information.
Required to enroll in two-factor authentication (2FA)
If you are attempting to log in/authenticate via a George Mason webpage and receive a message that you are "not enrolled," you must enroll in Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for George Mason services. Please visit Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for more information and to enroll in 2FA at George Mason.
Using an outdated version of Zoom
Effective March 17, 2021, you may be required to update your Zoom application before logging in or joining a meeting. Please see the FAQ “How do I update to the latest version of the Zoom application?” in the Manage My Zoom Account section for more information.
If the options above do not work, contact ITS Support.
Why is my Zoom account locked?
- Contact ITS via the Zoom Support button on the Zoom service page
- Contact ITS Support
- Or wait 30 minutes
Users who are locked out usually attempt to log in via an incorrect method, or they are attempting to enter their Patriot Pass credentials at a Zoom-branded login page. Instead, users should click the SSO button and type "gmu" to be redirected to a George Mason authentication page or directly access the Zoom website from gmu.zoom.us. More details about logging in via the Zoom desktop application can be found here.
What can I do if my Zoom audio is degraded mid-meeting?
To use your phone for audio:
- Select the arrow next to the Mute/Unmute button. Select Switch to Phone Audio… to show the Zoom call-in numbers.
- Call one of the call-in numbers listed. Enter your Meeting ID, Participant ID, and Passcode (if prompted). Participant ID is what will link your name/webcam/call controls/chat to your phone audio, so do not skip this step.
Additional details are available from Zoom.
Why are my Zoom meetings limited to 40 minutes?
If you are not a student and have a Basic Zoom account, you may not be using Zoom through George Mason’s Zoom license.
For more information, please see the FAQ section “Zoom Basics” and review the information for checking your Zoom license type, logging in to the George Mason-licensed version of Zoom, and upgrading your license.
How do I uninstall the Zoom Plug-in
Uninstall the Plug-in Manually (Mac)
- Close all Office applications.
- Open Finder.
- Click Applications.
- Control-click Zoom Plug-in for Outlook and click b, or drag it to the Trash. (Be sure not to inadvertently trash Zoom.us!)
Uninstall the Plug-in Manually (Windows)
- Close all Office applications.
- Click the Start menu.
- Start typing Apps and features, then click Apps & features when it shows up in the results.
- In the list of Apps & features, find Zoom Plug-in for Outlook. (The name may be followed by a version number.)
- Click Zoom Plug-in for Outlook, then click Uninstall. (This may require administrative privileges.)