Service Catalog

A comprehensive listing of the services that Information Technology Services provides to George Mason University, as well as how to request access to these services.


Services are available 24/7, excluding planned outages, normal maintenance windows, and unavoidable events. Maintenance windows are Sundays from 7 to 11 a.m. but may be extended to 2 p.m. if needed. If maintenance is required outside of these hours, it will be announced on the Alerts & Bulletins page.


All users of the George Mason University network must adhere to University Policy Number 1301: Responsible Use of Computing. Additional applicable policies will be stated in the service offerings’ Additional Information tab.

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Administrative ApplicationsCategory:University ApplicationsThis service provides administrative applications development, Banner data processing, and custom software support.
Application SoftwareCategory:Computers & Software ITS supports a variety of public domain and site-licensed software to the Mason Community.
Architectural Standards Review Board (ASRB)Category:Professional ServicesThe Architectural Standards Review Board (ASRB) is responsible for reviewing, verifying compliance, and providing recommendations for new and upgrade software and hardware procurement projects. The purpose of the ASRB process is to communicate business needs to ITS and other stakeholders. The university and ITS may already have supported software or hardware available that may be used. Additionally, the university and ITS may have existing contacts with various vendors that can expedite the procurement process.
Authentication, Authorization & Account Services (AAA)Category:Accounts & Access Mason provides authentication services to protect Mason applications, such as Patriot Web and Banner.

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Banner AdminCategory:University Applications Banner Admin is the administrative interface to Banner that allows authorized users to perform administrative duties within major functional areas including: Finance Financial Aid General Human Resources Student Information This is a closed system that allows access to authorized users with legitimate functional duties.
Banner ReportsCategory:University Applications Enterprise Applications manages Banner-delivered Jasper Reports and provides troubleshooting and customer assistance to authorized users of the Banner System.
BeyondTrustCategory:Computers & Software BeyondTrust is a remote support tool that allows Information Technology Services (ITS) and IT support staff to provide support to our customers anywhere with Internet access.
Blackboard CoursesCategory:Teaching & LearningIMPORTANT This service will no longer be available after Tuesday, July 15, 2025, as part of the transition from Blackboard to Canvas.

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CA/AutomicCategory:University Applications The CA/Automic is an Applications Manager software package that automates processes and task scheduling for distributed environments.
Cable Television Service for Campus BuildingsCategory:Network & Internet Services Buildings on the Fairfax Campus have access to the same on-campus basic cable service, which provides service to the Residence Halls with over 100 channels of programming.
Cable Television Service for Residence HallsCategory:Network & Internet Services Residence halls are provided with on-campus basic cable by our cable television provider, Boldyn HED/Apogee, which offers on-campus residents more than 100 channels of coax-feed digital TV.
CanvasCategory:Teaching & Learning Canvas provides a secure login system and variety of tools to manage both in person and online courses.
Center for Internet Security (CIS) ToolsCategory:Web, Servers & Hosting Mason is a member of the Center for Internet Security (CIS) through the IT Security Office (ITSO).
Certificate RequestCategory:Network & Internet Services SSL certificates are used to secure communications between a website, host, or server, and end users that are connecting to that server.
Cisco UmbrellaCategory:Network & Internet Services Cisco Umbrella is a cloud-based tool that protects George Mason users by blocking them from visiting websites that threaten to compromise George Mason’s technology resources or defraud users.
Class Collaborate (formerly Blackboard Collaborate Ultra)Category:Teaching & LearningIMPORTANT This service will no longer be available after Tuesday, July 15, 2025, as part of the transition from Blackboard to Canvas.
Classroom SupportCategory:Computers & Software Classroom and Lab Technologies (CaLT) provides support for classroom facilities and computer classrooms.
Collaborative Learning AreasCategory:Teaching & Learning Collaborative learning areas are designed to facilitate group work.
Collaborative Learning Hub (CLUB)Category:Teaching & LearningThe Collaborative Learning Hub (CLUB) supports effective teaching and learning with technology to enhance learning experiences and the quality of work-life at the university for current students, teaching faculty, instructional support staff, and academic units seeking to improve instruction. The CLUB provides training and support for instructional improvement and technology to enhance student learning, to support the use of technology-based courseware in classrooms, and to support instructional initiatives university-wide.
Computer Hardware InstallationCategory:Computers & Software Computer hardware installation and upgrade requests are available through ITS Desktop Support.
Computer LabsCategory:Teaching & LearningComputer labs offer the university community access to computing resources and a variety of software in support of learning, teaching, and research. Labs have printers through the pay-for-print (PFP) network available.
Computer Purchasing Standards & ConsultationCategory:Computers & Software Information Technology Services (ITS) provides a dynamic, reliable, and secure computing environment for faculty, staff, and students to achieve their goals at George Mason.
Computer Relocation Services (For Departments with Less Than 20 Users)Category:Computers & Software Desktop Support provides the following services for departments which are relocating Mason-owned computer equipment.
Conferencing, Collaboration & CallingCategory:Communications & CollaborationThis service page provides an overview of available web conferencing applications and rooms, collaboration and chat tools, and voice services.
Crowdstrike FalconCategory:Network & Internet Services Crowdstrike Falcon is a modern, lightweight security solution that unifies next-generation antivirus, endpoint detection and response (EDR), threat intelligence, and security hygiene.

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Data GovernanceCategory:Request access or to add/update the following: Mason Data Catalog (MDC) – Working Prototype; Mason Enterprise Glossary (MEG); Not-in-Use Element Report; and System-Applications/Administrators
Data Jack Assessment and ActivationCategory:Network & Internet Services Mason provides access to its network and telephone service via data jacks that are located in the walls of rooms and offices in university buildings.
Desktop SupportCategory:Computers & Software Technology Support and Quality Management (TSQM) provides full-service, technical desktop support to faculty and staff.
Device Registration for Network AccessCategory:Network & Internet ServicesConnecting to Residence Halls Network ITS has transitioned Residence Hall Networks & Cable TV services to Boldyn HED/Apogee to provide a better at-home user experience for campus residents.
DocuSignCategory:University Applications DocuSign is an electronic signature and routed online form workflow solution.
Domain Name Server (DNS)Category:Network & Internet Services Internet resources such as websites, servers, and printers are assigned domain names for identification purposes.
Dynamic FormsCategory:University Applications Dynamic Forms (DF) provides a simple way for non-technical users to take any paper-based form and quickly build an electronic form that can be shared with a link.

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Ellucian WorkflowCategory:University Applications Ellucian Workflow is an application for designing and automating simple and complex workflows by creating programmable flow diagrams.
Email Accounts for Campus Clubs, Departments &OrganizationsCategory:Communications & Collaboration Information Technology Services provides generic email accounts that are email accounts in which the account name is not linked to an individual’s name but is instead linked to a campus organization, club, or department.
Email Anti-Spam (IronPort)Category:Communications & Collaboration The IronPort Anti-Spam filter examines the content, construction, and senders of all incoming messages to Mason email accounts to eliminate known and emerging mail threats, including malicious content and mass-produced, unsolicited bulk email (spam).
Email Distribution Lists (LISTSERV)Category:Communications & Collaboration Mason provides email list management service using the L-Soft LISTSERV product.
Enterprise CUICategory:Research ComputingDecommission of eCUI The eCUI system is being decommissioned and as of June 2024 no new projects are being onboarded to this system.

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FirewallCategory:Network & Internet Services The Mason network uses firewalls to protect university systems against unauthorized access and malicious attacks.

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Game Design LabCategory:Teaching & LearningThe Game Design Lab, located in the Student Technology Assistance and Resource (STAR) Lab, is equipped with five powerful PC and two Mac stations with specialized game design software. Also included in the lab are flat-screen monitors and whiteboard walls to allow students to storyboard, design, and test their projects. Each computer is equipped with a tablet device, as well as top-of-the-line game design software.
Gartner Core ResearchCategory:Research Computing Gartner is a leading information technology firm that provides research and analysis services to inform and support decision-making in higher education and other industry sectors.
Gartner for Technical Professionals (GTP)Category:Research Computing Gartner is a leading information technology firm that provides research and analysis services to inform and support decision-making in higher education and other industry sectors.
Go (Link Shortener & QR Code Creation)Category:Web, Servers & HostingGo provides University-branded URL shortening and QR code creation for official Mason academic and business units.

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Highly Sensitive DataCategory:Computers & SoftwareSome university processes or departmental business may require working with Highly Sensitive Data (HSD). In such cases, special permission is required to ensure this data is used in compliance with university, state, and federal standards and stored properly and securely.
HonorlockCategory:Teaching & LearningHonorlock is an automated proctoring solution that helps instructors foster academic integrity when providing remote assessments to students.

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Incoming Email URL FilteringCategory:Communications & Collaboration As an added measure of security, Mason's antivirus and antispam protection systems evaluate links in incoming emails to determine if they have a reputation that is either unknown or malicious.
IP Address Management (IPAM) AccountsCategory:Network & Internet Services IP Address Management (IPAM) accounts on the IPAM system are available for users that control a large number of machines or make a lot of DNS updates.
IT Project Inventory AccessCategory:Professional Services The IT Project Inventory is an online tool hosted on Project Online service for ITS project management and tracking needs.
IT Security Office RequestsCategory:Computers & Software The IT Security Office (ITSO) provides topic-specific presentations and training for IT Security related issues.
ITS SupportCategory:Computers & Software ITS Support serves as the central point of contact for the university community for requesting IT support or information.
ITS Supported Mobile DevicesCategory:Communications & Collaboration ITS provides setup instructions for most mobile devices (Apple and Android) and support on a limited basis.

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Jamf ProCategory:Computers & Software Jamf Pro is a software tool for managing George Mason-owned Macs that enables ITS to: Inventory hardware.

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KalturaCategory:Teaching & LearningKey Features Videos will be streamed.

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Learning Space DesignCategory:Professional Services Learning Space Design (LSD) supports the design, engineering, and implementation of classroom technologies to support teaching and learning on all Mason campuses.
LinkedIn Learning (formerly & LearningMason has partnered with LinkedIn Learning (LIL) (formerly to provide free and unlimited online training to Mason students, faculty, and staff.

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Mason DataCategory:Data, Reporting & Analytics The Enterprise Data Integration System (EDIS) Group offers systems integration and data exchange services.
Mason Korea HelpdeskCategory:Computers & Software Mason Korea Support aims to assist students, faculty, and staff at Mason's campus in Songdo, Korea in finding technical support. ServerCategory:Teaching & Learning All registered students, faculty, staff, and authorized guests are eligible for mason.
MasonLive Email (Alumni Email)Category:Communications & CollaborationMasonLive is the email system for alumni at George Mason University. MasonLive is limited to former Mason students whose accounts have not been migrated to Office 365 Email.
MESA Departmental Shared StorageCategory:Web, Servers & HostingMESA to Microsoft 365 Migration ITS is migrating the current on-premise file storage and sharing system (MESA/M: Drive) to leverage Microsoft 365 (M365) services available through the Microsoft (MS) A5 license agreement.
MESA Personal Storage (mydata)Category:Web, Servers & HostingMESA to Microsoft 365 Migration ITS is migrating the current on-premise file storage and sharing system (MESA/M: Drive) to leverage Microsoft 365 (M365) services available through the Microsoft (MS) A5 license agreement.
Microsoft 365 Apps for EnterpriseCategory:Computers & Software Microsoft allows George Mason University to provide the latest version of Microsoft Office with Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise at no cost.
Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for TeachingCategory:Computers & SoftwareMicrosoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching puts professional, no-cost developer tools in the hands of students and faculty
Microsoft Copilot for the WebCategory:Communications & CollaborationMicrosoft Copilot for the Web is a free, AI-powered web chat that university students and employees can use to access generative AI. It's available to those with a valid Microsoft 365 license.
Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (Windows Security)Category:Computers & Software Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) antivirus software is available for all George Mason-owned Windows and Mac devices managed in MESA or Jamf.
Microsoft Teams (MS Teams)Category:Communications & Collaboration Microsoft (MS) Teams is an enterprise-wide collaboration suite within Mason’s Office 365.
MicroStrategyCategory:Data, Reporting & Analytics The MicroStrategy platform supports interactive dashboards, scorecards, highly formatted reports, ad hoc query, thresholds and alerts, and automated report distribution.
Mobile MasonCategory:Teaching & Learning Mobile Mason is the official app of George Mason University.
Multimedia ProductionCategory:Teaching & Learning The STAR Lab is an excellent resource for working on multimedia and art projects.
MyHubCategory:Communications & CollaborationMason uses MyHub within the Office 365 environment as a one-stop shop for managing existing workspaces and creating new ones in Microsoft Teams (MS Teams).
myMasonCategory:Teaching & Learning MyMason provides access to Blackboard courses and organizations.

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Network AccessCategory:Network & Internet ServicesConnecting to Residence Halls Network ITS has transitioned Residence Hall Networks & Cable TV services to Boldyn HED/Apogee to provide a better at-home user experience for campus residents.
Network Vulnerability ScanningCategory:Network & Internet Services The network vulnerability scanning application, managed by the IT Security Office, is a full-featured solution that allows for scanning of systems by authorized system administrators.

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Office 365 EmailCategory:Communications & Collaboration Office 365 is the university's email and calendar system.
OneDrive (work or school)Category:Web, Servers & Hosting OneDrive (work or school) is a cloud storage service that is part of the Microsoft 365 (M365) productivity suite.

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PanoramaCategory:Teaching & LearningPanorama is an accessibility tool designed to help institutions improve the accessibility of digital media and course content. Panorama integrates seamlessly with the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) and is also available directly via the Panorama platform.
Patriot DriveCategory:Web, Servers & Hosting The Patriot Drive on-premise storage is part of the university’s departmental shared storage system.
Patriot Pass Password ManagementCategory:Accounts & AccessThe Patriot Pass Password is used to access most Mason systems (e.g., Patriot Web, myMason). It is set when you activate your account. If your password is forgotten or expired, you can reset it.
Patriot Virtual Computing & Labs (PVCL)Category:Teaching & LearningPatriot Virtual Computing & Labs (PVCL) Now Live!
Patriot WebCategory:University Applications Patriot Web is a self-service site for students, faculty, and staff to manage their administrative records and accounts.
Poll EverywhereCategory:Teaching & LearningPoll Everywhere (PollEV) provides a safe online platform for every participant to ask questions, participate in group activities, and share thoughts and insights, right from their phone or computer.
Pre-Construction Marking of Communication LinesCategory:Network & Internet Services Before construction begins, ITS must survey construction sites and mark communication lines in order to protect critical communication circuits and infrastructure pathways from drilling or excavation damage.
PrintersCategory:Computers & Software Canon Follow Me Print Pay-for-Print (PFP) George Mason has partnered with Canon to provide solutions for all your printing needs.
Project Management SoftwareCategory:Professional Services There are many tools available for managing projects.

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QualtricsCategory:Research ComputingQualtrics,, is a web-based survey tool to conduct survey research, evaluations, and other data collection activities. The Mason community can use this research suite to build and send surveys then analyze and export responses—all from any online location, 24/7.

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RAMP (Research Administration Management Portal) SystemCategory:Research Computing RAMP is an integrated research web-based system to support Mason’s growing research enterprise.
Report an IT Security IncidentCategory:Computers & Software The IT Security Office (ITSO) will assist faculty, staff, students, and alumni with containment, mitigation, and remediation of IT security incidents caused by: an attempted or actual unauthorized use, disclosure, modification, or destruction of information interference with information technology operation a violation of campus policy, laws, or regulations An IT security incident is…
Residence Hall Network (ResNet)Category:Network & Internet Services ResNet, provided by Boldyn HED/Apogee, is the wired and Wi-Fi system in the residence halls (including some classrooms, offices, and other services inside them).
Respondus LockDown Browser & MonitorCategory:Teaching & LearningIMPORTANT This service will no longer be available after Tuesday, July 15, 2025, as part of the transition from Blackboard to Canvas.
Respondus Test Creation ApplicationCategory:Teaching & Learning Respondus is used to create quizzes, surveys, and self-tests external to Blackboard.

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SafeAssignCategory:Teaching & LearningIMPORTANT This service will no longer be available after Tuesday, July 15, 2025, as part of the transition from Blackboard to Canvas.
Salesforce SupportCategory:University ApplicationsSalesforce is one of Mason’s customer relationship management (CRM) platforms that is used to manage the student experience at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Scantron MachineCategory:Teaching & Learning A Scantron machine is available for use in the Collaborative Learning Hub (CLUB).
SharePoint Document LibrariesCategory:Web, Servers & HostingSharePoint Document Libraries are a feature of Microsoft SharePoint that allow users to securely store, organize, and share files with others, and makes them accessible from any device at any time. Members of the workspace can work synchronously on files.
Software Installation in Classroom or LabCategory:Computers & Software ITS manages and maintains the equipment and software in university classrooms and labs.
Software Listing: .Net Framework  Category:Computers & Software.NET Framework 4.5 for Windows, a Mason-licensed software, is used for developing Windows apps.
Software Listing: 7-ZipCategory:Computers & Software7-Zip for Windows, a Mason-licensed software, is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.
Software Listing: Adobe Acrobat Reader DCCategory:Computers & SoftwareAdobe Acrobat Reader DC, a Mason-licensed software, is a PDF Reader that allows users to view, sign, collaborate on, and annotate documents.
Software Listing: Adobe Creative CloudCategory:Computers & SoftwareAdobe Creative Cloud is a collection of 20+ desktop and mobile apps and services for photography, design, video, web, UX, and more.
Software Listing: ArcGISCategory:Computers & SoftwareA mapping and analytics platform with data sharing functionality. Geographic Information System (GIS) for working with maps and geographic information. It is used for: creating and using maps; compiling geographic data; analyzing mapped information; sharing and discovering geographic information; using maps and geographic information in a range of applications, and managing geographic information in a database.
Software Listing: Autodesk Education License ProductsCategory:Computers & SoftwareAutodesk builds software that helps people imagine, design, and make a better world. The Autodesk Education License Products is a library of over 100 applications to help you create.
Software Listing: CamtasiaCategory:Computers & SoftwareCamtasia is a software suite, created and published by TechSmith, for creating video tutorials and presentations.
Software Listing: Capture (Kaltura)Category:Computers & SoftwareMake it easy to create videos and other rich media, without specialized equipment. Kaltura Personal Capture for Education, part of the Kaltura Capture Suite, combines an intuitive interface with a user-centric experience and interactive viewing to enable easy personal video creation on campus, from the office, at home, or on-the-go.
Software Listing: ChromeCategory:Computers & SoftwareChrome is a web browser.
Software Listing: Cisco Secure ClientCategory:Computers & SoftwareCisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client empowers remote workers with frictionless, highly secure access to the enterprise network from any device, at any time, in any location while protecting the organization.
Software Listing: Deep FreezeCategory:Computers & SoftwareDeep Freeze makes workstation configurations indestructible. Guarantees 100% workstation recovery upon restart. Provides password protection and complete security. Protects multiple hard drives and partitions. Prevents configuration drift and accidental system misconfiguration. Helps maintain Software compliance across all workstations. Protects workstations from unauthorized changes with a simple restart.
Software Listing: DocuSignCategory:Computers & SoftwareDocuSign is an electronic signature and online form workflow solution. With DocuSign, you can send online documents to people who need to sign them, and then collect and manage those signatures.
Software Listing: FileZilla (FileZilla Project)Category:Computers & SoftwareFileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS, and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive graphical user interface.
Software Listing: FirefoxCategory:Computers & SoftwareFirefox is a web browser.
Software Listing: GIMPCategory:Computers & SoftwareGIMP is a free and open-source raster graphics editor used for image retouching and editing, free-form drawing, converting between different image formats, and more specialized tasks.
Software Listing: Ink2GoCategory:Computers & SoftwareInk2Go is an extremely simple yet powerful screen annotation and recording software. You can easily write on top of any other application that is currently active on the desktop, even on a running video. You can then save your annotations as an image file or even record the whole session as a video for sharing. It is a useful tool for presenters to communicate and share ideas during a live session, for educators to create effective video tutorials and for salespeople to create impressive video presentations.
Software Listing: Insight (Faronics)Category:Computers & SoftwareFaronics Insight is an effective classroom management software that helps teachers create a better learning experience while streamlining IT administration and supporting multiple labs with ease.
Software Listing: jGraspCategory:Computers & SoftwareA lightweight development environment provides automatic generation of software visualizations to improve comprehensibility. Dynamic object viewers and a viewer canvas that work in conjunction with an integrated debugger and workbench for Java. The viewers include a data structure identifier mechanism that recognizes objects that represent traditional data structures such as stacks, queues, linked lists, binary trees, and hash tables, and then displays them in an intuitive textbook-like presentation view.
Software Listing: LabStats Cloud ClientCategory:Computers & SoftwareLabStats tracks when, where, and how long students are logged on to hardware resources in computer labs.
Software Listing: Lockdown BrowserCategory:Computers & SoftwareLockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within a learning management system. Used at over 1500 higher educational institutions, LockDown Browser is the “gold standard” for securing online exams in classrooms or proctored environments.
Software Listing: MathematicaCategory:Computers & SoftwareWolfram Mathematica is a symbolic mathematical computation programming language used in math, computing, engineering, and other fields.
Software Listing: MatlabCategory:Computers & SoftwareMATLAB, the language of technical computing, is a programming environment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numeric computation. Simulink is a graphical environment for simulation and Model-Based Design of multidomain dynamic and embedded systems. MathWorks produces nearly 100 additional products for specialized tasks such as data analysis and image processing.
Software Listing: Microsoft 365 Apps for EnterpriseCategory:Computers & SoftwareMicrosoft 365 (formerly Office 365) offers a host of applications for seamless collaboration, communication, and productivity.
Software Listing: Microsoft TeamsCategory:Computers & SoftwareMicrosoft (MS) Teams is an enterprise-wide collaboration suite that lives within Mason’s Office 365 environment. At its core, MS Teams provides chat, audio calling, video calling, screen share, and more with individuals and groups outside of a team structure.
Software Listing: Notepad++Category:Computers & SoftwareA source code editor that supports several languages.
Software Listing: Patriot Virtual Computing & Labs (PVCL) Remote Desktop ClientCategory:Computers & SoftwarePatriot Virtual Computing & Labs (PVCL) Remote Desktop Client Vendor Microsoft Vendor Website https://www.
Software Listing: Poll EverywhereCategory:Computers & SoftwareEnter preview text
Software Listing: PuTTYCategory:Computers & SoftwareAn implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an “xterm” terminal emulator.
Software Listing: PythonCategory:Computers & SoftwarePython is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively.
Software Listing: QualtricsCategory:Computers & SoftwareQualtrics is a simple to use web-based survey tool to conduct survey research, evaluations and other data collection activities. Anyone (with no experience) can use this research suite to build surveys, send surveys and analyze responses.
Software Listing: RCategory:Computers & SoftwareSoftware environment for statistical computing and graphics.
Software Listing: R StudioCategory:Computers & SoftwareRStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, as well as tools for plotting, history, debugging and workspace management.
Software Listing: Respondus 4.0Category:Computers & SoftwareRespondus is used to create quizzes, surveys, and self-tests external to Blackboard. You can create documents to convert to text files and upload them directly to your Blackboard folder.
Software Listing: SASCategory:Computers & SoftwareStatistical software for data scientists, business analysts, statisticians, and forecasters to explore, analyze and visualize data.
Software Listing: SnagitCategory:Computers & SoftwareSnagit lets you quickly capture your screen, add additional context, and easily share with coworkers.
Software Listing: SPSSCategory:Computers & SoftwareStatistical software.
Software Listing: STATA (StataCorp)Category:Computers & SoftwareStatistical software.
Software Listing: StellariumCategory:Computers & SoftwareDesktop planetarium application which renders the skies in real-time using OpenGL, which means the skies will look exactly like what you see with your eyes, binoculars, or a small telescope.
Software Listing: Visual Studio CodeCategory:Computers & SoftwareA code editor that offers IntelliSense, built-in Git, debugging capability, and numerous extensions to add functionality.
Software Listing: VLC PlayerCategory:Computers & SoftwareCross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files, and various streaming protocols.
Software Listing: Zoom MeetingCategory:Computers & SoftwareZoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars.
Software Listing: ZoteroCategory:Computers & SoftwareReference management software to manage bibliographic data and related research materials. It allows to collect, organize, cite, and share research.
Sound SpaceCategory:Teaching & Learning The sound space contains special equipment and soundproofing to provide an ideal environment to record voice or edit audio.
Special Network Service RequestsCategory:Network & Internet Services ITS can facilitate the acquisition and operation of dedicated network infrastructure components for research and other projects that require special network service.
Student Technology Assistance & Resource Lab (STAR)Category:Teaching & LearningStudent Technology Assistance & Resource Lab (STAR) is a state-of-the-art multimedia computer and equipment checkout facility that provides the space and resources to complete creative projects. STAR Lab offers Mac and PC stations equipped with specialized video, multimedia, and game design software. This facility also has a variety of video production equipment available for checkout, as well as a video production studio. Student mentors with specialized knowledge of operating systems and applications are on hand to assist with troubleshooting.
System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)Category:Computers & Software SCCM is a Microsoft tool for managing George Mason-owned computers running Microsoft Windows that enables ITS to inventory hardware, distribute software, improve security, and get a better understanding of the computers at George Mason.

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Technical Business Solution Intake RequestCategory:Professional Services When there is an implementation of a new technology solution or a significant architectural modification to a previously approved request for a solution must be processed by the portfolio intake process in order to identify risks associated with the implementation and/or operations of the solution.
Technology Conference RoomCategory:Teaching & Learning The Technology Conference Room seats 20 people and features a projector, portable presentation computers, a video conferencing package, and plugs for laptops to connect to the room’s technology.
Telephone ServicesCategory:Communications & CollaborationNew Telecommunications Vendor Mason’s current telephone system is end-of-life, and with a workforce increasingly dispersed, a new solution is needed.
TurnitinCategory:Teaching & Learning Turnitin, available through Canvas, checks students' work for improper citation or potential plagiarism.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)Category:Accounts & Access Mason uses Duo Security to deliver Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) when using your NetID and Patriot Pass Password to log in to Mason applications.

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Video EditingCategory:Teaching & Learning Editing stations equipped with specialized video and film software are available for post-production work.
Video Production Equipment CheckoutCategory:Teaching & Learning STAR Lab offers Mac and PC stations equipped with specialized video and film, multimedia, and game design software.
Video Production ServicesCategory:Professional Services GMU-TV is a professional, full-service video production facility that specializes in creating educational content, research and scholarship communications, and marketing and outreach videos to support the academic and administrative departments of George Mason University.
Video Production StudioCategory:Teaching & Learning A production studio space is available for students, faculty, and staff to be used for a wide range of video, still photography, or other multimedia projects.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)Category:Network & Internet Services A Virtual Private Network or VPN is a remote access service that creates a virtual connection between an internet user and a trusted network.

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Web HostingCategory:Web, Servers & HostingIMPORTANT ADA Title II now requires all state and local government entities, including George Mason, to ensure their websites and mobile apps meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.
Wireless Collaboration Device ConfigurationCategory:Teaching & Learning Classroom and Lab Technologies (CaLT) offers the configuration of wireless collaboration devices on all campuses.
WordPress Course BlogsCategory:Teaching & Learning Course Blogs is powered by WordPress, a web-publishing platform that enables site builders to set up a web presence quickly and easily.
WorkflowCategory:University Applications Workflow is an application that automates, simplifies, and directs the flow of Banner information and procedures across the university.

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ZoomCategory:Communications & CollaborationNew Zoom Security Measures Coming May 2025 On Friday, May 16, 2025, Information Technology Services (ITS) will implement a new security measure requiring all Zoom meetings to use a waiting room, passcode, or authentication for entry.

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