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Service Category: University Applications

Information on Mason-wide applications, including Ellucian’s Banner products and project management software.



Administrative Applications

This service provides administrative applications development, Banner data processing, and custom software support.

Banner Admin

Banner Admin is the administrative interface to Banner that allows authorized users to perform administrative duties within major functional areas including: Finance Financial Aid General Human Resources Student Information This is a closed system that allows access to authorized users with legitimate functional duties.

Banner Reports

Enterprise Applications manages Banner-delivered Jasper Reports and provides troubleshooting and customer assistance to authorized users of the Banner System.


The CA/Automic is an Applications Manager software package that automates processes and task scheduling for distributed environments.


Connecting to Residence Halls Network ITS has transitioned Residence Hall Networks & Cable TV services to Apogee to provide a better at-home user experience for campus residents.

Dynamic Forms

Dynamic Forms (DF) provides a simple way for non-technical users to take any paper-based form and quickly build an electronic form that can be shared with a link.

Ellucian Workflow

Ellucian Workflow is an application for designing and automating simple and complex workflows by creating programmable flow diagrams.

Highly Sensitive Data

Some university processes or departmental business may require working with Highly Sensitive Data (HSD). In such cases, special permission is required to ensure this data is used in compliance with university, state, and federal standards and stored properly and securely.


The MicroStrategy platform supports interactive dashboards, scorecards, highly formatted reports, ad hoc query, thresholds and alerts, and automated report distribution.

Patriot Pass Password Management

The Patriot Pass Password is used to access most Mason systems (e.g., Patriot Web, myMason). It is set when you activate your account. If your password is forgotten or expired, you can reset it.

Patriot Web

Patriot Web is a self-service site for students, faculty, and staff to manage their administrative records and accounts.

Salesforce Support

Salesforce is one of Mason’s customer relationship management (CRM) platforms that is used to manage the student experience at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Mason uses Duo Security to deliver Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) when using your NetID and Patriot Pass Password to log in to Mason applications.


Workflow is an application that automates, simplifies, and directs the flow of Banner information and procedures across the university.