Service Summary
Ellucian Workflow is an application for designing and automating simple and complex workflows by creating programmable flow diagrams. It uses Ethos APIs to access and update Banner data. Customers with development knowledge are encourage to collaborate and design / develop their department’s workflows in the test environment.
Getting This Service
Select Request Ellucian Workflow to request the following:
- Need Workflow to be created by ITS Workflow Team
- Need help with existing workflow
- Workflow to be moved to production
- Add/Edit group
- Other
NOTE: If you chose New Workflow to be created by ITS Workflow Team, Need help with existing workflow, or Workflow to be moved to production, enter the name of the workflow here. If you chose Add/Edit group users, enter the name of the group you would like to make changes to.
Please describe your request in detail. If you are requesting that a workflow be moved to production, please include Names of Tables, Groups, Reports, etc.
You may also upload full descriptions, work diagrams, etc.
Training is available online from Ellucian, Process Maker, and ITS. If you would like training from ITS, select Request Ellucian Workflow.
All users of the George Mason University network must adhere to University Policy Number 1301: Responsible Use of Computing.