
Student Enrollment Per Term—Active and Inactive Students Dossiers
December 2020

In collaboration with the Mason Enrollment Management Data Group, the Business Intelligence Services (BIS) team has created a MicroStrategy Dossier titled Student Enrollment Per Term—Active and Inactive Students.

This dossier contains Mason enrollment data visualizations for active (students who are eligible to enroll) as well as inactive students in a chosen academic term. It consists of three sections referred to as Chapters in a MicroStrategy dossier:

  • Active Students Per Term
  • Inactive Students Per Term
  • Dashboard Help

The Active Students Per Term chapter provides summary-level data and student-level detailed information based on student enrollment status (registered vs. not registered) for the chosen term.

The Inactive Students Per Term chapter provides similar summary-level and student-level information broken down by Student Status for the term, such as Leave of Absence or Inactive due to Graduation.

The last chapter, Dashboard Help, contains three pages: Dashboard Overview, Active Students per Term, and Inactive Students per Term. This includes one page of explanation for the overall dashboard and one for each of the chapters.


MicroStrategy Folder Path: Academic > Shared Reports > Student Academics > Student Registration/Enrollment


This dashboard is available to all Academic project users.

Attributes & Metrics

Applicant and Student Chosen Name
December 2020

With the Banner upgrade that added the Person Profile in Patriot Web, additional personal demographic information is now captured in Banner, including Chosen First Name. This new data has been added to the data warehouse and is available as part of our Applicant and Student attributes in MicroStrategy.

Existing attributes with student or applicant first name have been updated to have Chosen Name added as an additional attribute form option. For the new Chosen name form, if a chosen name was not provided, the applicant’s/student’s legal name will be displayed.

(Note: The form names for Stu First Name have been updated to Legal and Chosen. If you export the data to support automated processes your column headings may include this change.)

Please refer to the How to Work with Attributes document for directions on how to show/hide the different parts, or forms, of an attribute on your reports.

Online Course Attribute Name Change
December 2020

Attribute names related to online course sections were modified to enhance user experience. The attribute names were changed to identify that they are Course Section attributes. In addition, they will be grouped together in an attribute list so they are easier to locate when adding attributes to reports. Below is a list of attribute/metric names and descriptions:

Previous Name New Name Description
Delivery Method Course Sect Instruction Delivery Method Delivery method based on the percentage of scheduled class time taught face-to-face which is determined by the Instructional Method Code in Banner (e.g., courses with an Instructional Method code of “1ES” is assigned to “Not Online (76% - 100% F2F)”)
Interaction Mode Course Sect Instruction Interaction Mode Describes how instructor and students interact (at the same vs. different times) in the online portion of a course section, values: Synchronous (e.g., Video conference or teleconference), or Asynchronous (e.g., discussion board or recorded lectures)
On Campus Ind Course Sect Instruction On Campus Ind Indicates whether the course section meets on campus, values: Y or N
Instructional Method Course Sect Instruction Method A 3-character alphanumeric code that identifies a course's On/Off Campus status, Delivery Method, and Interaction Mode (e.g., 1AS = On-Campus / 76%-100% F2F / Synchronous)

Standard Datasets / Cubes / Templates

Degrees Awarded Per Term Intelligent Cube Enhancement
December 2020

To improve reporting capabilities for reports using the Degrees Awarded per Term dataset, the Business Intelligence Services team has added Student Residency attributes. Below is a list of the Student Residency attributes now available in the Degrees Awarded Per Term intelligent cube:

  • Stu In-State Ind
  • Stu Residency
  • Stu Residency Status