General Release Notes

Fiscal Year Prompts
December 2020

Fiscal Year report prompts have been defaulted to the year 2021. If you are using a report that contains the Fiscal Year prompt it will have the year 2021 year pre-selected. This will not affect your saved personalized default prompt answers.


Closed Grant with Open Fund
December 2020

In collaboration with the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), the Business Intelligence Services development team has created a new report titled Closed Grant Open Fund. This grid report will be used by OSP as an audit report to identify any closed grants associated with open funds. If funds show up on this report the OSP will act to correct these occurrences.


MicroStrategy Folder Path: Administrative > Shared Reports > Research


This report is available to all users with access to the Administrative project.

Attributes & Metrics

None at this time.

Standard Datasets / Cubes / Templates

None at this time.