Connecting to Residence Halls Network

ITS has transitioned Residence Hall Networks & Cable TV services to Apogee to provide a better at-home user experience for campus residents. Non-resident faculty, staff, and students should connect to eduroam in Residence Halls. Residential students should contact Apogee Support at 844-459-7405 or text 84700. More information is available on the Mason Apogee website.

Service Summary

Resident students looking for resources to get connected in residence halls, see Residence Hall Network (ResNet).

ITS recommends that students, faculty, and staff, when possible, configure wired and wireless network devices to join eduroam. Unfortunately, some consumer electronics devices, such as gaming consoles, printers, and smart TVs, are not 802.1x capable and require alternative authentication. To solve this problem, students, faculty, and staff may register up to 5 devices via to access the Wi-Fi network.

Key Features

Students, faculty, and staff may each register up to 5 devices to access MASON through a web portal at

ITS recommends this as a method of last resort only for devices that do not support 802.1x authentication and cannot join eduroam.

Getting This Service

Individual students, faculty, and staff members must register their own devices through the web portal at

Additional instructions are available at How to Register a Device for Network Access.


All users of the George Mason University network must adhere to University Policy Number 1301: Responsible Use of Computing.