Service Summary

Canvas provides a secure login system and variety of tools to manage both in person and online courses. Some of these tools include Assignments, Discussions, Modules, Pages, and Quizzes.

For more information about the Canvas LMS Transition, go to

Getting This Service

All Users

All users log in via using Mason NetID and Patriot Pass Password.


Courses are created the day student registration opens for the term to allow faculty to develop their courses before the semester starts. When students add/drop from Patriot Web, the changes are reflected in Canvas courses within a few minutes.

Read the Canvas Use Guidelines


Canvas training is available through the Canvas Training Services Portal for self-paced training resources or to register for live training and webinars. Additionally, live workshops are held periodically – sign up for these workshops on MasonLEAPS.


Canvas is available 24/7. Any outages will be announced on the Alerts & Bulletins page.


All users of the George Mason University network must adhere to University Policy Number 1301: Responsible Use of Computing.

Additional Information

Additional information is available in the Teaching & Learning section of the Knowledge Base.

For questions and comments regarding Canvas, email [email protected].