Service Summary

There are many tools available for managing projects. George Mason University provides access to the Microsoft tools under our campus-wide Microsoft agreement. When combining these tools with Microsoft Teams, there are many options available to support your project management needs. Available tools include:

  • Microsoft Planner (preferred, licensed to everyone by default) - Planner is a lightweight, mobile, and web-based application. Planner can be embedded within a Microsoft team site. It works on Windows or Mac.
  • Project for the Web – a new, mid-weight scheduling tool that allows for both traditional waterfall or cardwall/Scrum-based project management. As the tool is web-based, it works on Windows or Mac and is fully integrated with Microsoft Teams. Available by request only, though users do not have to be licensed to view schedules.
  • Project Online Desktop – Available upon request, this is a traditional, Windows-based (not available on Mac) desktop tool for developing project schedules. All participants must be licensed to view/review the schedule file

Other, non-supported Project Management tools may be available; however, they are neither supported nor funded by ITS. Additionally, these tools may require additional review prior to placing or using in Mason’s environment.

Getting This Service

Planner is available from the Microsoft application launcher (waffle icon) seen when logged into any Microsoft application via a web browser. It can also be accessed through the All Apps section of your Microsoft 365 hub by signing in with your Mason credentials on this page:

Project for the Web and Project Online Desktop are available upon request and completion of a short requirements review with the PPMO team. Complete the form via the Request This Service button.


This service is available 24/7, excluding planned outages, normal maintenance windows, and unavoidable events. Maintenance windows are Sundays from 7 to 11 a.m. but may be extended to 2 p.m. if needed. If maintenance is required outside of these hours, it will be announced on the Alerts & Bulletins page.

Requests for access are processed within five business days


ITS recommends use of Microsoft training for these tools and is available via the Microsoft website at the following locations:

Additional training is available via Mason’s Subscription to LinkedIn Learning. Visit, log in with your NetID and Patriot Pass Password, and search for Microsoft Project, Project for the Web, etc. to find courses.

Reach out to the Portfolio & Project Management Office (PPMO) at [email protected] for additional questions or assistance.