Rolling Wi-Fi & Wired Network Outages in Select Buildings
Impact of the change on users:
Wi-Fi and wired networks and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phones will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance period in the following buildings:
Collapse All
- Aquia
- Baker House
- Carty House
- East Building
- Fenwick Library
- Field House
- Finley Hall
- Harris Theater
- Horizon Hall
- Johnson Center
- Krug Hall
- Lecture Hall
- Mason in Loudoun
- Mason Pond Parking Deck
- Recreation Athletic Complex (RAC)
- Thompson Hall
- West Building
- West PE Module
Residence Halls
- Adam
- Amherst
- Ángel Cabrera Global Center
- Beacon Hall (Science & Technology Campus)
- Blue Ridge
- Brunswick
- Carroll
- Commonwealth
- Eastern Shore
- Eisenhower
- Essex
- Franklin
- Grayson
- Hampton Roads
- Hanover
- Harrison
- Ike’s Diner
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Kennedy
- Liberty Square
- Lincoln
- Madison
- Monroe
- Northern Neck
- Potomac Heights
- Rogers
- Roosevelt
- Sandbridge
- Taylor
- Tidewater
- Truman
- Washington
- Whitetop
- Wilson
Remote Sites
- 9900 Main Street
- Point of View
- Potomac Science Center
- Smithsonian
- Signal Hill
- Townhouses
Cell phone service will not be impacted. Apogee ResNet networks in the residence halls will be available; however, the following services will be intermittently unavailable in the residence halls: eduroam Wi-Fi, key card access updates, and solstice pods.
Reason for the change:
ITS is upgrading the code on switches. (ID # 270573)