Publisher content from Cengage, Macmillan, McGraw-Hill Campus Connect, Pearson, Wiley, and others is now integrated into Blackboard and Canvas. Below is information for the most common publishers, but the full list integrations with Blackboard/Canvas. Please refer to the instructions on the publisher's website for more details below.
Using Cengage with Blackboard
Using Cengage with Canvas
Using Macmillan with Blackboard
Using Macmillan with Canvas
McGrawHill Connect
Using McGrawHill Connect with Blackboard
The McGraw-Hill Connect "Building Block" Blackboard integration will be discontinued at the end of this year (December 31, 2023). Starting Spring 2024, all MH users must set up with McGraw-Hill Connect integration using the "LTI Advantage" tool. The tool is found under any Build Content button, and is called "McGraw Hill Connect LTIA." Instructors can use this newer integration now.
Please see the new McGraw-Hill Connect instructor pairing instructions below:
[New] Pairing Instruction from MH for Connect
[New] Video on Pairing McGraw Hill with Blackboard
[Old] Instructions from MH for Connect and Alex (Will be discontinued at end of December 2023)
Using McGrawHill Connect with Canvas
Using Pearson with Blackboard
The Pearson integration changed Summer 2022 - instructors should have received communication from Pearson. Instructions for the new (Summer 2022) Integration setup
1) Access the main Pearson course page can be accessed under the Tools link from the course menu. Instructors can add a direct Pearson link on the course menu by clicking the small + button at the top of the course menu, choose Tool Link, and selecting Pearson.
2) Direct links to specific items (Homework, Assignments, etc.) from Pearson need to all be recreated. From any course content area, click “Build Content” button, then choose Pearson and follow the steps. Optionally, check the box for “Enable Evaluation” to create a Grade Center column in Blackboard which will send grades from Pearson to this column.
Using Pearson with Canvas
Using Wiley with Blackboard
Using Wiley with Canvas
Why aren’t my publisher tools available automatically on my course?
Some publisher tools may not be automatically available in the course. If you don't see a tool listed above, please check the following area below:
- Blackboard: Go to Control Panel > Customization > Tool Availability and check any boxes next to the tool name(s).
- Canvas: On your course navigation menu, click on the course settings, click on the navigation tab, and then simply drag (or enable) the publisher tools into the Canvas course navigation.
Where can I find support for my publisher content?
In most case your publisher representative/support can often provide the best support, as they have access to your course in their system.