May 03, 2019 2:37 p.m.Friday evening after hours Network and Security Engineering received a request from IT Security Office to create a new rule. This rule was to block traffic over HTTP and HTTPS from non-GMU IP space to two hosts on the MESA-PT-02 security zone.
Off campus users were not able to reach the website.
For the duration of the outage only those people on campus or connected via VPN could access
The engineer did this but made an error when creating the rule that so that it blocked HTTP and HTTPS to all hosts on the security zone from non-GMU IP spaces.
Saturday morning this was brought to Network and Security Engineering’s attention. This was quickly discovered and the fix was put into place Saturday morning.
Moving forward we are hoping to have better definition around our zones and more zone-to-zone rules so there will be much less, hopefully zero, changes that need to be done on the network firewall for specific hosts.