Here are some common FAQs to help you get started with MyHub and familiarize yourself with the tool to create workspaces.
MyHub Basics
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How do I access MyHub?
How is making a Team through MyHub different?
What is a workspace?
Can I make an MS Teams space the way I used to?
What does MyHub Owner mean?
Owners can:
- Add and remove members and owners
- Change permissions inside the MS Teams app
- Owners and members typically have direct access to the data within the Microsoft workspace.
What does MyHub Contact mean?
Contacts are responsible for the renewal of the workspace, including:
- Verifying the accuracy of the listed MyHub contacts
- Managing current membership and owners
- Filing permissions as described in Managing MyHub Renewals
Over time, the membership (and owners) of the Microsoft workspace may change, but the contact listed in MyHub is not automatically updated and needs to be manually changed. If there are no active Contacts for a workspace and it is archived, all Owners and members will lose access.
Contacts are not required to be members or owners. If a contact is neither an owner nor a member, they have no immediate/direct access to the data. Contacts manage the renewals of the workspace in MyHub, while the owners and members manage the workspace natively in the workspace. During renewals, contacts can add themselves to a Team for which they were previously not a member and thus gain direct access to the data.
Why don't I see all my workspaces in MyHub?
Workspace Creation
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How does an MS Team Chat differ from an MS Teams Team Workspace?
- Audio/video calls
- Meetings
- Scheduling & invitations
- Recording of calls with 3+ people
- Screen sharing
- File sharing
- Files shared within Chats (vs. Teams) are stored in the OneDrive space of the person who shared the file unless those files originated from elsewhere in OneDrive.
- Files are shared with direct access edit rights to those in the group chat at the time.
- Any member of the group chat may leave or add/remove others from the group chat.
- Ability to name a group chat so you can link it to a specific topic or purpose for easy access; you can even have multiple group chats with the same people.
What is an MS Group, and when is it useful?
What is a SharePoint Document Library?
Creating a SharePoint Document Library assigns specific features, controls, and settings to the workspace. A SharePoint Document Library is intended for work that requires file storage and collaboration but does not need persistent chat that a Team space provides.
What if my workspace contains Highly Sensitive Data?
What am I responsible for as a workspace owner or contact?
- Owner is a membership role built into Microsoft products that allows them (with greater privileges than a “member”) to manage settings natively. Owners are responsible for managing the day-to-day activities in the workspaces. For example, owners can add and remove members and owners and change permissions within the workspace. ITS suggests a minimum of two owners per workspace because multiple owners increase continuity and help ensure owners are replaced if, for whatever reason, they no longer manage a particular workspace. Microsoft Teams and Groups are limited to 100 owners per workspace.
- Contact is a role built into MyHub. Contacts are responsible for the renewal of the workspace, including a) verifying the accuracy of the listed MyHub contacts, b) managing current membership and owners, and c) file permissions as described in Managing MyHub Renewals. Typically, all workspaces require two MyHub contacts. Over time, the membership (and owners) of the Microsoft workspace may change, but the contact listed in MyHub is not automatically updated. Contacts are limited to two per workspace. If the MyHub contacts are not members or owners, they should be a trusted individual of the course/office/department/etc.
Why are certain questions/options grayed out?
How do I manage the MyHub settings?
- Owners can Manaage team settings and permissions in Microsoft Teams.
- For more information on how to configure and adjust settings for a SharePoint Document Library and its contents see the resources on Getting Started with SharePoint Document Libraries.
What is the difference between a public and private workspace?
In MS Teams:
- Private means only the members added will be able to join the Teams.
- Public means that anyone in the organization can join via a link, code, or by searching in Teams, without needing approval.
In a SharePoint Document Library or Group:
- Private means only the members who have been added can view the content.
- Public means that anyone in the organization with access to the group, file, or folder link can view the content.
How do I change a workspace from private to public?
For information on adjusting security and permissions see MyHub Workspace Types.
What is Metadata?
MyHub Renewals
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What is the MyHub renewal process?
Why is MyHub Governance shown as a contact of my Microsoft Group, Team, or SharePoint Document Library?
Additionally, during the archival or decommissioning process of Teams, Groups, and SharePoint Document Libraries, owners are demoted to members, and MyHub Governance is added as an owner. If you are restoring a workspace, you should replace MyHub Governance with another person from the university, as described in Restoring MyHub Workspaces. For Microsoft Groups provisioned for individual users, you may choose to replace the secondary contact (MyHub Governance) with a second active individual from the university.
How do I archive or restore workspaces such as Teams, Groups, and SharePoint Document Libraries?
What happens to archived workspaces?
For More MyHub Information
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