Service Summary
Panorama is an accessibility tool designed to help institutions improve the accessibility of digital media and course content. Panorama integrates seamlessly with the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) and is also available directly via the Panorama platform.
Key Features
- Identify and correct accessibility issues in files and Canvas course content
- Provide alternative formats e.g., audio, electronic braille, web-based, etc.)
- PDF Structural Remediation
- Reports to show accessibility scores in Canvas courses
Getting This Service
Panorama is available in Canvas. In addition, all Mason users can log into Panorama directly to remediate documents.
Panorama is available 24/7. Any outages will be announced on the Alerts & Bulletins page.
Live workshops are held periodically – sign up for these workshops on MasonLEAPS.
All users of the George Mason University network must adhere to University Policy Number 1301: Responsible Use of Computing.
Additional Information
A Panorama guide is available from the Assistive Technology Initiative (ATI) office.