New Password Management Website and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for Students

On Sunday, September 27, 2020, Information Technology Services (ITS) is launching a new Patriot Pass Password Management website ( In tandem, the redesign of the Password Management Site will also launch the requirement for current Mason students to enroll in Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

Changes to the Password Management Site 

The new Password Management site will have an improved look and feel, including a more modern and user-friendly design, a redesigned navigation to enhance the overall user experience, and responsive design making it optimal on all devices.

2FA for Students  

Effective September 27, when a student’s Patriot Pass Password expires (separate MasonLive Microsoft Passwords), and they go to to reset their password, they will be prompted to enroll in Duo 2FA at prior to making the change.

Mason uses Duo Security to deliver 2FA, which is a second layer of protection for Mason websites and applications containing student information. Students do not need to wait for their passwords to expire to get 2FA and are encouraged to enroll early.

Note: Blackboard/myMason and MasonLive student email are currently not 2FA enabled. 

For more information and to enroll early, see

Assistance is Available 

 Benefits of 2FA with Duo Mobile 

  • Protect Mason websites and applications containing student information
  • Choose from multiple authentication options (Duo Push is recommended)
  • Select “Remember for 7 days” to limit how often you authenticate on your devices
  • Use the Duo Mobile App to protect your other personal accounts like Google, Amazon, and social media (

If you need additional details or assistance, please contact the ITS Support Center at 703-993-8870 or via email at

Like salt and pepper or popcorn and a soda, 2FA and your Patriot Pass Password are #Better2gether.