Exporting a course includes instructor created content and the course structure. The export zip file can be imported into another Blackboard (or eventually Canvas) course by the instructor or shared with other instructors. It does not include student content such as grades, assignment submissions, discussions, etc.
Archiving a course allows the instructor to make an exact copy or a permanent record of the course including all the content, user interactions, student work, and grades at the time of the copy.
For both options:
- While the export/archive is in progress, do not make any changes to the course. Please wait until the confirmation email has been received and the completion has been confirmed.
- The export/archive zip file should be downloaded and stored on your own computer or backup medium (cloud storage, external hard drive, flash drive, etc.).
- The export/archive zip file is only designed to be reused in a Blackboard site, and cannot be accessed on your computer.
Additional Download Options
Additional options are also available to save your Blackboard content:
- Save a copy of the Grade Center as a spreadsheet.
- Download all assignment submissions from each assignment.
- Download all of the files uploaded to the course by the instructor.
Export/Archive Instructions
Step 1
From the Control Panel, select Packages and Utilities > Export/Archive Course
Step 2
Select either the Export Course or Archive Course button.
Step 3
For archives, optionally elect the check box if you would like to include Grade Center History (a record of all grade changes).
In the File Attachments area, Mason recommends choosing both second options to ensure all content is included in the archives.
For Export, choose "Select All" or specifically choose just parts of the course to export.
Step 4
Click the Submit button. You will see the Success message across the top.
Step 5
You will receive an email to your Mason account once the .zip file is ready. This may take up to an hour for large courses.
Step 6
Downloading the file: From the same Export/Archive Course page, click on the export/archive .zip file name (you may need to click the Refresh button to see the file). Mac Safari users: We recommend you use an alternate browser to download the archive .zip file, as Safari unzips files by default.
Blackboard will automatically remove instructor-created archive and export packages after 30 days.
Step 7
Find a location you would like to save your file and save the file.
Using the Export/Archive file in the future
The files cannot be read direct only a computer, but both export and archive files can be imported into Canvas. This will only import instructor content (files, assignments, tests, etc.) - no student data or grades can be imported into Canvas.