In the Content Collection, you can store, share, and publish digital content in personal, course, and institution folders. When you want to edit content, you do so once and the updates appear throughout your work.
For more general information about the Content Collection, go to Blackboard Content Collection.
Note: Courses and Organizations have the same Content Collection functionality. The steps below refer to a course, but they are the same for an organization. For example, where it says to navigate to Course Management, instead navigate to Organization Management for an organization.
Step 1
Open the course where you want to download the Content Collection. Expand the Content Collection submenu under Course Management. The top item under Content Collection will be the course content. The name will match your course ID. For most courses, this is a series of digits such as “12345.202410.” Click this item to enter the course content collection.
Note: To download a course or organization Content Collection, you need to have the role of instructor or similar. If you have the Course Management or Organization Management section at the bottom of your left-hand menu, then you have the appropriate permission.
Step 2
Scroll to the bottom of the course content collection, and you will see an item count, such as “Displaying 1 to 25 of 100 items.” If number of items, 100 in this example, is more than 25, click Show All. The page will refresh so you can see all items on the same screen.
Step 3
If you only want to download certain items, select them with the checkbox to the left of each other. To download the entire content collection, scroll to the top of the course content collection. At the top of the table is the headers, File Type, Name, etc. To the left of that header row is a check box. Check the box to the left of File Type to select all content collection items.
Step 4
Click the Download Package button directly above the checkbox. A ZIP file will be downloaded to your device. Open the ZIP file to be sure all files you wanted were downloaded.