Microsoft Office 365 Sporadic Email Delivery Delays

Resolved Alert:

Microsoft has reported the issue with bulk/mass emails being sporadically delayed has been resolved. New bulk/mass emails are being delivered as normal. Previously delayed emails have been re-queued and delivered.

This issue may have impacted both the Microsoft Office 365 and MasonLive systems.


Alert Updates:

We are continuing to experience sporadic delivery delays of email within the Microsoft Office 365 system. It has been determined that the issue is caused by some internal maintenance processes within the Microsoft Office 365 system. The delays are primarily impacting bulk/mass emails. This issue is expected to continue until 6:00 PM (EST) this evening. However, after the issue is resolved, it may still take some time for delayed emails to be delivered.

This issue may impact both the Microsoft Office 365 and MasonLive systems.

We will continue provide additional information as it becomes available.

Initial Alert:

We are currently experiencing sporadic delivery delays with emails sent to Microsoft Office 365. Microsoft is currently working on the issue, and we will provide additional information once it becomes available.

This issue may impact both the Microsoft Office 365 and MasonLive systems.