If you need help with your account, please contact your departmental administrator. You may refer to the list of Qualtrics Administrators to find the administrator for your department. If you need to move between departments, you will need to create a service request ticket. Please refer to the ITS Qualtrics page for the appropriate request to use.
Training and application support is provided through Qualtrics.
Application support
- 24/7 Live Support: Qualtrics offers support around the clock through email, chat, and an optional call back service. To access support, follow the link, select the option to sign in with SSO, type in “gmu” for the Organizational ID, and then you will be prompted to sign in with your MESA credentials. Once on the support page, you will be able to select the option on how to receive support. If you select the option for “Phone”, you will be prompted to enter your contact information and Qualtrics Support will call you back.
- Qualtrics Support Documentation: Qualtrics keeps online documentation up to date with step-by-step instructions with everything from getting started to more complicated features
- Qualtrics Community: Join discussion and network with other Qualtrics users on how to get things done in the platform, how to use custom code, and other creative solutions.
- Training Webinars: Qualtrics hosts a variety of training webinars for users to learn different areas of the Qualtrics platform.
- Qualtrics Resource Library: Access to a hub of webinars, case studies, e-books, and other resources for Qualtrics users organized by industry
- Qualtrics Certification: Master the Qualtrics platform effectively collect, analyze, and act on the data
Last modified: January 15, 2021