MicroStrategy Production Server Maintenance


Impact of the change on users and servers:

MicroStrategy Production will be unavailable during the maintenance period.

Running Reports in User Acceptance Test (UAT) Environment

Because we know that some users have mission-critical needs to run reports every day, we suggest that they run shared reports in our UAT environment during the production outage. Although UAT always contains production data, there are some other differences between UAT and PROD as follows:

  1. Data will be the same (UAT contains production data)
  2. All users who have enabled accounts in MicroStrategy will have access to UAT while production is unavailable
  3. We are making this environment available exclusively for access to Shared Reports
    1. Department Reports, Academic Unit Reports, and My Reports folders may not be available or current
  4. No subscriptions will be running
  5. You can create reports, but nothing created in UAT will move to production
  6. For those who are new to running reports in UAT, here is information on how to do so: MicroStrategy UAT Information and a link to the UAT login page: https://microstrategyuat.gmu.edu/

Reason for the change:

ITS is upgrading the MicroStrategy production servers and software. (ID # 483667)