The Mason Cluster consists of two servers:
- The primary university web server. Hosts most of the main university web sites.
- A domain for the personal web sites of students, faculty, and staff.
Personal space is already available for all students, faculty, and staff. See Setting Up a Personal Site.
Departmental web space can be requested using the request form.
Connect to the Mason Cluster
Account Eligibility
All registered students, faculty, classified and part-time staff, and authorized guests are eligible for Mason Cluster accounts. Status as a student must be verifiable through the Registrar’s Office; status as an employee, including all eligible faculty positions, must be verifiable through Human Resources.
Guest accounts are granted on a case-by-case basis as deemed appropriate by ITS to meet the needs of the university. A sponsoring George Mason University faculty member or Mason employee must submit a Guest account request in writing to the director of ITS – Central and Distributed Systems.
Employees of university contractors are eligible for accounts on a case-by-case basis as necessary to complete work for the university.