A virtual host, or custom URL, allows for the replacement of a long web address with one that is shorter and more descriptive. This helps users to remember web addresses more easily.
Custom URLs can be requested for branding your website. They should be short, reasonably reflect the content of your website, and be easily remembered. The format for custom URLs is yourname.gmu.edu. The yourname part of the address can be specified by the unit or department, subject to approval by the DNS Name Review Committee.
Any administrative unit, academic department, or university service except individual students, faculty and student organizations may request a custom URL.
Web addresses that end in .com or .net will not be hosted by ITS servers. A domain of .org can apply to be hosted, but the organization related to the .org site must purchase the rights to that name from a domain name registration company. At the discretion of the ITS, requests for hosting .org domains on university servers may be denied.
Apply for a Custom URL
To request a custom URL, submit a DNS Name Request on the Web Hosting service page, with DNS Name Purpose as DNS Name for my Website. If the request is approved, the webmaster will notify the requestor when the virtual host is operational.