Note: Cisco only supports Red Hat and Ubuntu Linux distributions.
Step 1
Download the .gz install archive to the desktop.
Step 2
Extract the archive to the desktop of Ubuntu in the following folder cisco-secure-client-…
Note: In the file cisco-secure-client-linux64-, the numbers after the dash are the version number (e.g., 4.6.01103) and will change as ITS updates the Cisco Secure Client software package.
Step 3
Open a terminal window and navigate to the extracted folder in the terminal—for example, cd ~/Desktop/cisco-secure-client-linux64-…/vpn
Step 4
Type sudo sh
Step 5
When prompted enter your root password then hit Return.
Step 6
Hit return and type y then hit Return again. The installation should now start and walk you through the setup.
Any connect should now be installed and ready to use.
Note: You must enter the proper Mason VPN address and group to successfully log in (e.g., or