A departmental account uses a username and password to sign in, which differs from a standard user account with single sign-on. Departmental accounts are assigned a manager with an associated email address that is used for recovering, or initially creating a password. The account username is the five-digit extension followed by “@gmu.edu” (I.e. 31000@gmu.edu).
Create Your Password
Users who are accessing their account for the first time, or have forgotten their password, can use the steps below to create a password.
Step 1
Open the Vonage desktop application or the web application at app.vonage.com. See the Vonage Desktop App (Softphone) Guide for installation instructions.
Step 2
Select “Forgot password?” under the “Username” and “Password” text boxes.
Step 3
Enter the username for your account, which is the five-digit extension followed by “@gmu.edu” and hit "Submit" once complete.
Step 4
Open the password reset email sent to the account manager from Vonage Business and click the “Change your password now” link. The email may take up to 15 minutes to be delivered. If you do not receive a password reset email, please ensure that you have correctly typed the full username of the account.
Step 5
Log in using your username and new password, do not use single sign-on.
Note: If this is the first time logging into your account, you will be required to set up a security question and configure two-factor authentication (2FA).
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
2FA is an added layer of security for your Vonage account and is required for George Mason departmental accounts. You must use both your password and a six-digit verification code sent to your preferred mobile number to sign in.
If 2FA has not previously been configured, you will be prompted to provide a mobile number you would like to use to receive a six-digit code for authentication. Telecom Administration cannot adjust the mobile phone number chosen for verification and any future change requests must be submitted to Vonage. As a result, please use the phone number of an employee that is accessible while the account is being used. Telecom Administration recommends using the manager of the departmental account’s mobile number.