Webex Teams: Attaching files & built-in screen shots

Resolved Alert:

The fix has been deployed and the issue should now be resolved for the majority of users. There still may be a small percentage of users who are still impacted. Those users are encouraged to completely close and restart their Webex Teams application to resolve the issue and to complete any pending updates.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. Cisco will continue to monitor to ensure service stability.


Initial Alert:

We are currently experiencing an issue with Webex Teams where users are unable to attach files or use the built-in screen shot tool. Webex Engineers are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Quitting Webex Teams completely may fix the issue. Downloading and reinstalling the app from webex.com/downloads has proven to resolve the issue.

For additional information regarding the outage, please view the After Action Report.