Mac Computers Issue

Resolved Alert:

ITS has determined the cause of the “Hard Drive Full” error message on some Mac computers and have a fix available.

To resolve the issue, open the Applications Folder, Select Mason Self Service and select the icon for HD Full Fix. The fix may take 10 – 15 minutes to complete.

If you need assistance, please call the ITS Support Center at 703-993-8870 or email


Initial Alert:

Some users of Mac computers have reported an error message of “Hard Disk is Full”.

ITS is aware of this issue and is working to find a resolution to it.

If you are experiencing this issue, please contact the ITS Support Center at 703-993-8870 or email to report your problem.

We regret any inconvenience that this problem may cause our users and are working as quickly as possible to resolve it.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Support Center at 703-993-8870, or via email at

For additional information regarding the outage, please view the After Action Report.