Kaltura MyMedia Unavailable

Resolved Alert:

The issue with Kaltura My Media is now resolved.


Kaltura’s engineers have switched our service to another datacenter and will be closely monitoring the service. Kaltura is continuing to expand their capacity to meet the unprecedented use of the system in the past few weeks.


Initial Alert:

Kaltura MyMedia – the video tool integrated with Blackboard – is unavailable. The issue has been reported to the company.

Kaltura Capture users can continue to record on their computer and upload into Blackboard once service is restored.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Support Center at 703-993-8870, or via email at support@gmu.edu.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Support Center at 703-993-8870, or via email at support@gmu.edu.

For additional information regarding the outage, please view the After Action Report.