Blackboard Courses
Blackboard Courses provides a secure login system and tools to create and administer face-to-face and online courses.
Class Collaborate (formerly Blackboard Collaborate Ultra)
Connecting to Residence Halls Network ITS has transitioned Residence Hall Networks & Cable TV services to Apogee to provide a better at-home user experience for campus residents.
Honorlock is an automated proctoring solution that helps instructors foster academic integrity when providing remote assessments to students.
Connecting to Residence Halls Network ITS has transitioned Residence Hall Networks & Cable TV services to Apogee to provide a better at-home user experience for campus residents.
Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor
Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom web browser that locks down the testing environment within Blackboard/Courses.
Respondus Test Creation Application
Respondus is used to create quizzes, surveys, and self-tests external to Blackboard.
SafeAssign is a plagiarism education and prevention service available through Blackboard to all faculty, students, and staff.