Service Summary

The network vulnerability scanning application, managed by the IT Security Office, is a full-featured solution that allows for scanning of systems by authorized system administrators. Scans can be conducted either from behind or in front of university network firewalls and from networks that appear to be from outside the university LAN. The application provides for delegation of scanning, alerting, and reporting.

System Administrators are given accounts with limited rights that allow them to scan, see alerts, and access reports for their systems. System owners need to approve account requests, which should be accompanied by a list of systems to be scanned.

Key Features

A full-featured solution that allows for scanning of systems by authorized system administrators.

Getting This Service

This service is only available to system owners or administrators as defined in the University Policy Number 1114: Data Stewardship Policy.

Contact the IT Security Office at if you have any questions or to request access.


All users of the George Mason University network must adhere to University Policy Number 1301: Responsible Use of Computing and University Policy Number 1114: Data Stewardship Policy.

Additional Information

This application has the capacity to provide ad hoc or scheduled vulnerability scanning and vulnerability assessment alerting and reporting. Uptime for this service has typically exceeded 99.9%.