Service Summary
Jamf Pro is a software tool for managing Mason-owned Macs that enables ITS to:
- Inventory hardware.
- Distribute software and fixes.
- Improve security.
- Get a better understanding of the Mac community at Mason.
Once you enroll your Mason-owned Mac in Jamf Pro, the Mason Self Service app will appear. You will be able to install approved software on-demand from the Mason Self Service app.
Note: Installing approved software on personal devices is a violation of Mason's software licenses.
Key Features
- Download on-Demand approved software from Mason Self Service.
- Quick access to bookmarks to popular Mason websites.
- Allows administrators to track and manage equipment lifecylces.
- Allows administrators to deploy software and policies.
Getting This Service
To enroll a Mason-owned Mac see How to Enroll Your Mac in Jamf Pro.
All users of the George Mason University network must adhere to University Policy Number 1301: Responsible Use of Computing and ITS Information Technology Security Standard.