Wi-Fi & Wired Networks Intermittently Unavailable in Select Buildings on the Fairfax Campuses
Impact of the change on users:
The Wi-Fi and wired networks and VoIP phones in select buildings on the Fairfax campus may be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance period.
The following administrative and academic buildings will be affected:
- Aquatic & Fitness Center
- Archive Building
- Buchanan Hall
- Central Heating & Cooling Plant
- College Hall
- Concert Hall
- Carroll Hall
- Carow Hall
- Child Development Center
- David King Hall
- Eagle Bank Arena
- Enterprise Hall
- Exploratory Hall
- Krasnow
- Music & Theater Building
- Northeast Module 1
- Northeast Module 2
- Nottoway
- Performing Arts Building
- Planetary Hall
- Rivanna Module
- Roberts House
- The HUB
- Warehouse
The following residence buildings will be affected:
- Adams (second floor)
- Eisenhower (all floors)
- Harrison (second floor)
- Ike’s
- Jackson (first floor)
- Jefferson (first floor)
- Kennedy (first floor)
- Lincoln (second floor)
- Madison (first floor)
- Roosevelt (first floor)
- Truman (first floor)
- Washington (first floor)
- Wilson (first floor)
Cell phone service will not be impacted. ResNet networks in the residence halls will be available; however, the following services may be intermittently available in the residence halls: eduroam Wi-Fi, key card access updates, and solstice pods.
Reason for the change:
ITS is reloading hardware. (ID # 253931)