Your instructor can add assignments to different areas of your course. You might access assignments from a link on the course menu called Assignments, or, your instructor might incorporate assignments into each week's content. Ask your instructor if you have questions about how your course is organized.
Step 1
Access the assignment.
Step 2
On the Upload Assignment page, review the instructions, due date, points possible, and download any files provided by your instructor. If your instructor has added a rubric for grading, you can view it. Select Browse My Computer to upload a file from your computer or drag files from your computer to the hot spot in the Attach Files area. (You can type in comments about your submission if you choose.)
Warning: File names cannot include any special characters other than letters and numbers. Saving the file with special characters in the name can cause the file to be corrupted. If a file name includes special characters, the Preview pane will not open and the Instructor will not be able to see your document. In this case, contact your instructor to remove the bad document (e.g. Tony's assignment1.doc) and resubmit it with a good file name (e.g. Tony assignment1.doc).
Step 3
Select Submit.
Note: If you don't select Submit, your instructor won't receive your completed assignment!
Review Submission History
After submitting an assignment, the Review Submission History page will display a box that has the document file title with a message that says: "This file is being converted. The estimated wait time is ___ seconds." However, even after waiting the designated time posted, if the document does not display, refresh the page or exit and re-enter the assignment to see the rendered file.
When you submit an assignment successfully, the Review Submission History page appears with information about your submitted assignment. A success message with a confirmation number displays at the top of the page. For assignments with multiple attempts, you receive a different number for each submission. The confirmation number and details will be emailed to your Mason email account each time you submit coursework. You can access all your submission receipts from the Submitted tab on the My Grades page. Select the number next to Submission Receipts at the bottom of the list to see your submission history.