You can download your class roster as an Excel spreadsheet from your Blackboard course to keep a hard copy of the names of your students enrolled in your course or to manually track class attendance.
The spreadsheet will list your student's first name, last name, NetID (username), G number (Student ID), last access date, and availability.
Note: Your official class roster can be found in Patriot Web.
Step 1
Under the Control Panel, click on Grade Center and then select Full Grade Center.
Step 2
Select Work Offline then select Download.
Step 3
On the Download Grades page, select the radio button next to User Information Only. Under Options > Delimeter Type, select either the tab-delimited (.txt) or comma-separated-values (.csv) delimiter type. Choose comma-separated-values (.csv) for importing to third-party applications that do not support Excel. Submit the page.
Step 4
On the Download Grade page, click on the Download button.
This will download either a tab-delimited (.txt) or comma-separated-values (.csv) spreadsheet that lists one student per row. You can open this file in Excel (or an Excel-like app, such as Mac Numbers or Google Sheets, etc.). Select OK to return to the Grade Center.