Courses that are officially cross-listed in Patriot Web are automatically combined/merged into a single Blackboard course containing the student enrollments from all sections. Note: If your course has reserved seats for INTO, Mason LIFE, etc., this is considered cross-listed and you will need to use the combined section of the course in Blackboard.
In Blackboard how can you tell if you course is cross-listed? Each section will be listed in the course name. For example: Fall 2021 Topics in Policy/Govt (POGO-550-001, GOVT-490-DL3)
Combine Two Different Courses
To combine two different courses, first ask your Scheduling Coordinator to cross-list the courses - this automatically combines them in Blackboard. After the term begins, changes to cross-listings in Banner will likely have negative consequences in Blackboard. Please contact us before un-crosslisting courses or creating a new cross-listing after the term begins.
Note: If your scheduling coordinator cannot cross-list the courses, then use the form below and note they could not be cross-listed.
Combine Two Sections of the Same Course
Use the Blackboard > Combine Courses form (Login Required) to request two or more sections of the same course be combined in Blackboard. You should make this request before adding content/copy content to the course as this will create a new, empty course in Blackboard with the combined enrollments.
Note: Sections combined in this manner cannot use the "PatriotWeb - Send Grades" tool to send grades from Blackboard to PatriotWeb. In addition, certain course analytics reports will not be available.
Additional Information
For additional information, please review How do Combined Blackboard Courses Work?